Monday, July 7, 2008

First Task: Project Analysis

Landscapes are of immense cultural, spiritual, aesthetic and economic value. They involve the physical, living, abstract and human elements of an exterior space, ‘more that just plants’. This was driving idea behind my final project for DESN111: Th’ Clip. For this project we were challenged to create film clip about a chosen field of the Design course at Victoria. We [James Russell and myself] undertook to create a film about Landscape Architecture, attempting to abolish any misconceptions about this field. I believe the project was successful in providing an alternative view and dealt with the film making aspects of the project in innovative ways. The clip is comprised entirely of still images, embracing the brief and bringing a modern, edgy style to it.

My clip can be viewed below. The music is "4 to the Floor"by Christchurch band, Bang! Bang! Eche!


james Russell said...

nice one Matt

could you hyperlink my name in your first blog about the clip to my url...?

Anonymous said...

I love your skin you have put on.
Not like other boys who have dark unapproachable blogs!!

daniel_starkey said...

Like the style of your blog.. I best get to work on my dark unapproachable one, heh. Also the clip you and James made was really impressive, definitely one of the best.